GDPM implementation at Graubündner Kantonalbank

The Graubuendner Kantonalbank (GKB), a mid-size Swiss State Bank, was founded in 1870 and offers all services that makes up a modern universal bank, for individuals, for the economy and for public authorities. The canton of Graubuenden which is spread over a large area and is multi-lingual requires flexible, innovative and comprehensive solutions and services at 73 branch locations.

The Projects

The GKB executive board decided to implement an integrated and mandatory project management methodology within the bracket of project portfolio management. With the outsourcing of software development and IT operations, the necessity for a professional project management became even more important.


The GDPM approach which considers the dimensions people, systems and organization already in the planning stage, was experienced as true enrichment. The approach to define the project objectives and to perform the planning in the team fosters a common understanding of the project approach and content. Being able to show and explain the most important milestones on one page (“plan-on-a-page”) and to report the project progress on the same page, has received a positive response also from management.

Banking / Insurance